No More Apologies!

I’m done…..that’s right….I’m done….offering apologies each time I slack off and don’t publish anything for a while. “A while” may turn into months, as it has this time, but I know how I’ve been spending my time and I can tell you I’ve been working on genealogy, just not on this site.

I have officially crossed over 26,000 ancestors in my database. I’ve also added hundreds of Murray “cousins” to a one-name study on Wikitree, created a 500-plus name genealogy for a banner we display in our tent, and attended several festivals since Tartan Days last April (photo below), including one out-of-state festival in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and the Murray Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Denver last August. The Thomas family itself, all five of us, was responsible for a large part of the planning, setup, and operation of the AGM.

I have also written and recorded several short podcasts that will become part of this site soon. Aptly named “AllinthPast,” it will feature a lot of history and genealogy topics we have worked with before and haven’t necessarily posted on this site, or our companion site: , as well as new material.

At the same time, I’m trying to update this site and make it more user-friendly as a research site that goes beyond the “family genealogy” theme most online genealogy sites have.

So, again, no more apologies. Follow the site if you like, check back often, let me know what you think of the information I’m presenting, but know that I am working even if it doesn’t show up here. I just get distracted at times by all the exciting things that occur with close, and extended, families over several centuries all over the world.

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